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Himlung Expedition (7126 Meter)

Himlung Expedition (7126 Meter)

Difficulty Level

Fitness Level

35 Nights 36 Days

7126 meter

The Himlung Expedition goes into the Annapurna range via Koto all the way to Nar-Phu Gaon. The trail along the Phu River is a different experience as the immaculate blend of natural beauty is truly a sight to see.


Himlung Himal is one of the new mountains for climbing in the Himalayas. It lies between the Manaslu and Annapurna ranges. Himlung Expedition takes you through remote villages of Nepal towards the mountain. Formerly a restricted area, Nepal Government opened it just in 1992 so it is a fairly new mountain for the expedition.

This is an expedition that embraces diversity in natural serenity and fascinating culture. Evergreen forests, views of snow-capped peaks, natural springs and rocky gorges accompany you as you trek towards the mountain. As you trek towards the Himlung Himal Mountain for climbing, you will follow the Annapurna Circuit Trek route. The trekking adventure takes you closer to the unique and timeless culture of the mountains.

The Himlung Expedition goes into the Annapurna range via Koto all the way to Nar-Phu Gaon. The trail along the Phu River is a different experience as the immaculate blend of the natural beauty is truly a sight to see. The adventure starts with a picturesque drive to Besisahar where you will remain overnight. The following day you will travel in a local jeep for about 6 hours to reach Koto (2600m/8,530ft). From Koto, it is a 5-day trek to the Himlung Himal base camp (4850m/15,912ft).

The trail moves in the direction of the East and goes through Dharamsala, Meta, Kyang and Phugaon, which is the oldest and largest Buddhist settlement in the area. The base camp (4900m) is in a subalpine zone full of pristine forests and other pleasures of nature. Three high camps will be set up to reach the peak of the mountain. Camp I at the height of 5450m, Camp II at 6000m and Camp III at 6350m. The accommodation in the base camp will be comfortable and a different experience to your expedition.

This expedition brings an awesome climbing adventure experience.

Reasons Himlung Expedition becomes an Experience

Nepal Climbing Adventure always strives to offer an adventure traveling experience that you can cherish. While the Himlung Expedition is beautiful in its all essence, your experience of trekking there becomes even more beautiful with us.

By the time we take you to the himlung base camp trek and bring you back, we will take one step ahead to offer you a beautiful experience. We keep your safety and happiness is our top priority and you will experience the same during the trip.

Going on an expedition to Himlung with us is traveling in safe hands.

Himlung Himal Expedition Cost:

The himlung himal expedition cost can vary significantly depending on several factors. Typically, an expedition cost includes permits, logistics, equipment, guides, porters, and support staff. Permits alone can be quite expensive, often ranging from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars depending on the season and the number of climbers. Logistics such as transportation to the base camp, food, and accommodation during the expedition also contribute to the cost. Climbers need specialized equipment suitable for high-altitude climbing, which can include clothing, tents, climbing gear, and communication devices, adding to the overall expense. Guides and support staff, essential for Himlung Expedition Safety and navigation in the challenging terrain, are another significant cost. 


Porters are often hired to carry gear and supplies between camps, especially at higher altitudes where conditions are harsher. Additionally, there are miscellaneous costs such as insurance, medical supplies, and emergency evacuation plans that climbers must budget for. The overall cost for the Himlung expedition can range from approximately $20,000 to $40,000 per person, depending on the expedition's duration, level of support, and the specific logistics and services included. Climbers are advised to carefully consider all these factors and plan accordingly to ensure a safe and successful expedition to Himlung, a challenging and remote peak in the Nepalese Himalayas.

How Difficult is Himlung Himal Expedition? 

The himlung expedition difficulty level presents a challenging endeavor for mountaineers due to its demanding terrain and high altitude. Situated in the Nepal Himalayas, Himlung stands at approximately 7,126 meters (23,379 feet) above sea level. The Himlung Expedition Preparation requires a high level of physical fitness, as climbers face extreme weather conditions, including freezing temperatures and strong winds. The route to Himlung involves navigating through rugged landscapes, steep slopes, and potentially hazardous crevasses. Climbers often encounter technical sections that require proficiency in ice climbing and mountaineering skills. 


The ascent typically involves establishing multiple high-altitude camps to acclimatize and gradually progress toward the summit. One of the primary challenges of the Himlung Expedition is the altitude itself, which poses risks such as altitude sickness and oxygen deprivation. Climbers must carefully manage their ascent to avoid these dangers, often using supplemental oxygen and adhering to a slow acclimatization schedule.  The remoteness of the region adds another layer of difficulty, as access to medical facilities and emergency rescue services can be limited. 


Because of Himlung Himal difficulty, this Expedition required careful logistical planning, including organizing supplies, equipment, and support staff such as Sherpas and porters. Successful ascents of Himlung are celebrated achievements in the mountaineering community, requiring determination, resilience, and a deep respect for the challenges posed by high-altitude climbing. Despite its difficulties, the expedition offers breathtaking views of the surrounding Himalayan peaks and a profound sense of accomplishment to those who reach its summit.

Facts About Himlung Himal Expedition:

The Himlung Himal Expedition offers adventurers a challenging yet rewarding experience in the Nepalese Himalayas. Standing at an impressive 7,126 meters (23,379 feet) above sea level, it is located in the remote Manaslu region of Nepal. This peak attracts climbers seeking a less crowded alternative to more famous summits like Everest and Annapurna. The Himlung Himal Trek begins with a through picturesque villages and rugged terrain, offering stunning views of the surrounding peaks. Climbers gradually acclimatize while navigating through diverse landscapes ranging from lush green forests to barren, icy slopes as they ascend toward the summit.


The route to Himlung includes technical sections requiring mountaineering skills such as fixed rope climbing and ice axe use. This adventure demands physical fitness, endurance, and proper acclimatization due to the high altitude and challenging weather conditions. Successful climbers are rewarded with breathtaking panoramas of the entire Manaslu range and beyond, including views of the Tibetan Plateau to the north. This expedition made this journey memorable yet physically demanding for mountaineers seeking both adventure and solitude in the Himalayas.

Best Time for Himlung Himal Expedition:

The Himlung Climbing Season is typically during the spring (April to May) and autumn (September to October). These months offer the most stable weather conditions, with clear skies and mild temperatures, ideal for mountaineering. During spring, the weather begins to warm up after winter, and the days are longer, providing ample daylight for climbing and enjoying the breathtaking Himalayan vistas. Autumn brings crisp, clear days with stable weather patterns, making it another favorable season for expeditions.


In spring, climbers can experience blooming rhododendron forests along lower altitudes, adding a splash of color to the landscape. The temperatures gradually increase as you ascend, creating comfortable conditions for Himlung Himal Trekking and climbing higher peaks. The views of snow-capped peaks against the blue sky are particularly stunning during this time. Autumn is known for its post-monsoon clarity, offering excellent visibility of the surrounding peaks and valleys. During the Spring season, Himlung Weather is typically dry and stable, reducing the risk of precipitation and avalanches. The crisp air and cooler temperatures at higher elevations create optimal conditions for climbing, allowing expeditions to proceed smoothly.


Both seasons attract mountaineers seeking to Himlung Himal Summit, a technically challenging peak in the Nepalese Himalayas. The expedition usually involves acclimatization periods, strategic ascent routes, and the use of base camps at various altitudes. Experienced guides and support teams are essential for navigating the terrain and ensuring safety throughout the climb. Choosing between spring and autumn depends on personal preferences and scheduling, but either time offers an unforgettable adventure amidst the towering peaks and pristine landscapes of the Himalayas.

Food & Accommodation During the Expedition:

Food and accommodation are essential for climbers during this Expedition. These high-altitude expeditions require carefully planned meals to meet nutritional needs and maintain energy levels. Expedition teams often rely on portable, lightweight food that is high in calories and easy to prepare at base camps and higher altitudes where cooking facilities may be limited. Common food choices include freeze-dried meals, energy bars, nuts, and dried fruits, which provide essential nutrients and energy for strenuous climbs.


The type of accommodation provided during this Expedition depends on the Himlung Climbing Route and campsites selected by the expedition organizers. At lower altitudes, base camps are set up with more substantial shelter and facilities, including tents or temporary structures. As climbers go higher, the accommodations become more basic, typically high-altitude tents that are specially designed to withstand extreme weather conditions. These tents are insulated to keep climbers warm and provide a safe place for rest and recovery between climbs.


At Himlung High Camps, the emphasis is on practicality rather than luxury when it comes to accommodation. The main priority is to provide warmth and protection from the elements. Climbers need sleeping bags that can withstand extreme temperatures and insulated sleeping pads to ensure they can rest and recover properly before attempting to reach the summit. Expedition teams usually bring portable stoves to melt snow into water, which is vital for staying hydrated and cooking meals.


The success and safety of climbers during this Expedition depend on the careful planning of food supplies and functional accommodations. These factors are crucial in providing climbers with the energy and rest they need to overcome the challenges of high-altitude climbing. Additionally, they help minimize environmental impact and preserve the natural beauty of the Himalayas.

Permits Required for Himlung Himal Expedition:

Himlung Climbing Permit is essential due to the region's controlled access and environmental sensitivity. Situated in the Nar Phu Valley of Nepal, Himlung Himal stands at 7,126 meters (23,379 feet), attracting climbers for its challenging ascent and stunning views. To undertake this expedition, climbers must obtain several permits. The Trekking Information Management System (TIMS) card is required for all trekkers in Nepal, ensuring safety and tracking in the region. Additionally, a Restricted Area Permit (RAP) is mandatory for the Nar Phu Valley, where Himlung Himal is located. This permit restricts access to preserve the local culture and environment, requiring climbers to go through a registered trekking agency to obtain it.


For climbing Himlung itself, a Climbing Permit from the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) is necessary. This permit not only authorizes the climb but also includes provisions for rescue services and environmental conservation fees. The NMA issues these permits upon verification of a climbing itinerary, team composition, and adherence to safety guidelines. Environmental considerations are paramount, with permits aimed at minimizing ecological impact. Climbers are expected to follow leave-no-trace principles, respecting local customs and contributing to sustainable tourism practices. The permits also support local communities by regulating tourism activities and ensuring fair distribution of benefits.

Training and Preparation for Himlung Expedition:

Training and preparation for a Himlung expedition are crucial for a safe and successful journey. Himlung is a challenging peak in the Nepal Himalayas, standing at 7,126 meters (23,380 feet) high. Before embarking on such an expedition, climbers typically undergo extensive physical training to build endurance and strength. This includes cardiovascular exercises, strength training for core muscles, and altitude acclimatization programs. Mental preparation is equally important, as climbers need to be mentally resilient to face the physical and psychological challenges of high-altitude mountaineering.


Technical skills such as ice climbing, glacier travel, and use of climbing equipment like crampons and ice axes are essential. Himlung Climbing Training often includes practicing rope techniques, crevasse rescue, and navigation in alpine terrain. Familiarity with high-altitude medical issues, such as recognizing symptoms of altitude sickness and understanding emergency procedures, is also crucial. Logistical preparation involves planning the route, organizing supplies, and understanding the weather patterns of the region. Expedition teams typically include experienced guides and support staff who manage logistics and provide guidance throughout the journey.


For climbers aiming to summit Himlung, a gradual ascent is recommended to allow for proper acclimatization and reduce the risk of altitude-related illnesses. This involves a series of camps at increasing altitudes, where climbers rest and adjust to the thinning air before attempting the summit push. Preparing for a Himlung expedition demands physical fitness, technical proficiency, mental resilience, and thorough logistical planning. Successful climbers combine these elements to navigate the challenges of one of Nepal's formidable peaks, ensuring a safe and rewarding mountaineering experience.

Detailed Himlung Expedition Itinerary: 

Day 01: Kathmandu Arrival and Hotel Stay

We will send you our representatives to receive you upon your arrival at TIA and will go to a hotel. You can have a visit around different places of Kathmandu located at a short distance that day. In the evening, you will be served a welcoming dinner with traditional Nepali cuisine.

  • Accommodation: Hotel

Day 02: Preparations for Trek & Sightseeing of Kathmandu

We will visit different places in Kathmandu. Kathmandu is rich culturally therefore we visit places like Patan Durbar Square, Boudhanath, Swayambhunath and Pashupatinath as well. At night, we can stroll around the Thamel area for refreshments. We are going to stay overnight in Kathmandu.

  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Meal: Breakfast

Day 03: Kathmandu to Besisahar

We proceed from Kathmandu and drive to Besisahar. The street we drive through will take us along the Trishuli Valley. We get grand perspectives of the snow-capped pinnacles, for the most part the Ganesh Himal and also Manaslu as we pursue the river towards Mugling. We, a short time later, deviate from the major street and move to Besisahar way where we begin on our trek.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 04: Trek to Ngadi

From Besisahar, we trek along the river and cross toward the east. Our trail lifts higher than the river, continuing north far up to the Marsyangdi Valley. The way takes us on quiet trails from the side with rice fields and settlements until we meet with the fundamental track at Bhulebule. The path moves with the eastern side of the stream strolling along an attracting waterfall to Ngadi. Overnight at Ngadi.


Day 05: Trek to Jagat

Today, we will stroll over the suspension connection and after that begin on a climb through the woods to reach Lampatta, a Manangi territory having Tibetan flags of prayers. A sudden ascent conveys us to Bahundanda. From the peak we move down to Syange (1136m). The path then clears a path to Jagat where we remain overnight.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 06: Trek to Dharapani

After passing along the rising and declining way, we will reach Chyamje. At that point, we will pass a suspension bridge and clear a path through oak woods. The stream leaves from sight as we climb over a point. The pathway then turns out into a valley where we touch base at Tal; the following community is set at the base of a terrific falls (1700m). We will go across the river and climb the valley, sliding down to cross the stream to the settlement of Dharapani lying at 1848m. Overnight in Dharapani.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 07: Trek to Koto

On this day, our route proceeds onward to climb to Bagarchap situated at 2164m. At that point, we go at the back of the trail sideways through the forest to Dhanagyu and climb up to Temang. Here we can watch the magnificent glimpse of Manaslu in addition to Peak 29. The trail then descends through fir and pine woods to Koto. Overnight in Koto.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 08: Trek to Dharamsala

We will have a very difficult day today while moving from Koto to Dharamshala. Going through the check post we will cross a stream that takes us to Nar Phu valleys. We will stroll along the wonderful wilderness over Phu River. At that point we will pass a few minor caves and also a temple named Dharamshala. We will leave the small valley and walk along the wideway. We will see the jungle fading as we walk forward. We will camp at Dharamshala for the night.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 09: Trek to Kyang

We will have a lofty climb and we will stroll along a beautiful river that takes us to uplands at an elevation of 3200m. We will stroll by beautiful Meta at 3560. We will see white rocks, juniper, bushes, white sandy trails and many more things along the way. We will see the shadow of Phu Koshi covering the way. We will go by Khampa settlement, Chako where prayer flags wave. We will in the wake of passing high points and low points achieve Kyang where we will set our camp to remain overnight.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 10: Trek to Phu Gaun

We will clear a path down to the stream Phu and walk up and down the shore passing submarine rocks. We will get the chance to see bright chortens. We will rise to a small glacier before we cross an extension bridge. And preceding a bridge to Phu, a series of chortens takes us to the significant settlement of Phu where we will set our camp for overnight.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 11: Trek to Himlung Base Camp

From Phu Gaun, we will today trek to Himlung Base Camp, set up our Base Camp at a height of 4842m on the ground and enjoy the night.

  • Accommodation: Camping
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 12-27: Climbing Period

The climbing schedule may differ as per the climber's Himlung Climbing Experience. A climbing day includes an unfaltering movement for 3-4 hours in the morning. Apart from lunch, rest and unwind, there is a move of 2-3 hours toward the evening. Nevertheless, adaptability in climbing schedule is fundamental as individuals move at their pace and react personally to the worries of climbing. We guarantee the proportion of climbers and Sherpa guides concentrating on Himlung Altitude safety measures so that every individual climber can advance at their own particular rate.


Regularly we will set three high camps before achieving the summit. We will put Camp I at the elevation of 5,450m. At that point Camp II at a rise of 6,000m and Camp 3 at the stature of 6,350m. Furthermore, our Sherpas aides will help us set up a scope of camps for well acclimatization and we attempt to reach the peak of Himlung Himal on a day with fair weather conditions.

  • Accommodation: Camping

Day 28: Trek Back to Phu Gaun

We will return from the base camp to achieve Phu Gaun once more. We will walk up and down the stream shore passing big rocks. We will get the chance to see vivid chortens at the end of the day. Overnight in Phu Gaun once more.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 29: Trek to Dharamsala

Avoiding Phu Gaun behind, we will head towards Dharamshala for the night stay. We will see the bushes, white rocks, juniper, etc, which were already on our sight while going upwards. We will likewise descend to stay at Dharamshala.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 30: Trek to Koto

Again, we will be following just the same but opposite route as before. We will be seeing the likes of Manaslu and Peak 29 on the way with pine woods along the trail. Overnight at Koto.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 31: Trek to Dharapani

Traversing along the river and narrow valley, we will head downwards to reach Dharapani overnight.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 32: Trek to Jagat

We will leave Dharapani and head onwards enjoying several waterfalls and rivers. Our trail descends along the forest to finally reach Jagat for the night.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 33: Trek to Ngadi

Today, we will continue walking downwards along the narrow trails passing across the deep stream gorge. We can get a view of Lamjung, Mt. Manaslu, Peak 29, etc. on the way. Overnight at Ngadi.

  • Accommodation: Guesthouse
  •  Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 34: Trek to Besisahar and back to Kathmandu

On this very last day of our trekking, we will take a short walk from Ngadi to Besisahar and then take a bus to drive all the way back to Kathmandu. After checking in the hotel, you will have the whole of the day for refreshment. In the evening, we will be serving you a farewell dinner which basically includes delicious Nepali cuisine.

  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Meal: Breakfast and Lunch

Day 35: Rest at Kathmandu & Debriefing

Today, you will be visiting the Department Of Tourism for debriefing of the expedition and receiving the certificate of accomplishment. 

  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Meal: Breakfast

Day 36: Final Departure from the airport

After a nearly one and half month of adventurous and successful time, you will finally leave Nepal with lifelong memories. Our airport representatives will drop you off in the Tribhuvan International Airport and bid you farewell and best wishes for your future.

  • Meal: Breakfast

Day 01: Kathmandu Arrival and Hotel Stay

We will send you our representatives to receive you upon your arrival at TIA and will go to a hotel. You can have a visit around different places of Kathmandu located at a short distance that day. In the evening, you will be served a welcoming dinner which includes traditional Nepali cuisine.

Accommodation: Hotel

Day 02: Preparations for Trek & Sightseeing of Kathmandu

We will visit different places of Kathmandu. Kathmandu is rich culturally therefore we visit places like Patan Durbar Square, Boudhanath, Swayambunath and Pashupatinath as well. At night, we can stroll around Thamel area for refreshment. We are going to stay over the night in Kathmandu.

Accommodation: Hotel
Meal: Breakfast

Day 03: Kathmandu to Besisahar

We proceed from Kathmandu and drive to Besisahar. The street we drive through will take us along the Trishuli Valley. We get grand perspectives of the snowcapped pinnacles, for the most part the Ganesh Himal and also Manaslu as we pursue the river towards Mugling. We, a short time later, deviate from the major street and move to Besisahar way where we begin on our trek.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 04: Trek to Ngadi

From Besisahar, we trek along to the river and cross toward east. Our trail lifts higher than the river, continuous north far up to the Marsyangdi Valley. The way takes us on quiet trails from side with rice fields and settlements until we meet with the fundamental track at Bhulebule. The path moves with the eastern side of the stream strolling along an attracting waterfall to Ngadi. Ovenight at Ngadi.

Day 05: Trek to Jagat

Today, we will stroll over the suspension connect and after that begin on a climb through the woods to achieve Lampatta, a Manangi territory having Tibetan flags of prayers. A sudden ascent conveys us to Bahundanda. From the peak we move descending to Syange (1136m). The way then clears a path to Jagat where we remain overnight.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 06: Trek to Dharapani

After passing along the rising and declining way, we will reach Chyamje. At that point, we will pass a suspension bridge and clear a path through oak woods. The stream leaves from sight as we climb over a point. The pathway then turns out into valley where we touch base at Tal; the following community is set at the base of a terrific falls (1700m). We will go across the river sand climb the valley, sliding down to cross the stream to the settelement of Dharapani lying at 1848m. Overnight in Dharapani.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 07: Trek to Koto

On this day, our route proceeds onward to climb to Bagarchap situated at 2164m. At that point, we go at the back of the trail sideways through the forest to Dhanagyu and climb up to Temang. Here we can watch the magnificent glimpse of Manaslu in addition to Peak 29. The trail then descends through fir and pine woods to Koto. Overnight in Koto.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 08: Trek to Dharmasala

We will have a very difficult day today while moving from Koto to Dharmashala. Going through the check post we will cross a stream that takes us to Nar Phu valleys. We will stroll along the wonderful wilderness over Phu River. At that point we will pass a few minor caves and also temple named as Dharmashala. We will leave the small valley and walk along the wideway. We will see the jungle fading as we walk forward. We will camp at Dharmashala for the night.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 09: Trek to Kyang

We will have a lofty climb and we will stroll along a beautiful river that takes us to uplands at an elevation of 3200m. We will stroll by beautiful Meta at 3560. We will see white rocks, juniper, bushes, white sandy trails and many more things along the way. We will see the shadow of Phu Koshi covering the way. We will go by Khampa settlement, Chako where prayer flags wave. We will in the wake of passing high points and low points achieve Kyang where we will set our camp to remain overnight.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 10: Trek to Phu Gaun

We will clear a path down to the stream Phu and walk up and down the shore passing submarine rocks. We will get the chance to see bright chortens. We will rise to small glacier before we cross an extension bridge. And preceeding a bridge to Phu, a series of chortens takes us to the significant settlement of Phu where we will set our camp for overnight.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 11: Trek to Himlung Base Camp

From Phu Gaun, we will today trek to Himlung Base Camp, set up our Base Camp at a height of 4842m on a ground and enjoy there for the night.

Accommodation: Camping
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 12-27: Climbing Period

The climbing schedule may differ as per the climber's experience. A climbing day includes an unfaltering moving for 3-4 hours in the morning. Apart from lunch, rest and unwind, there is a move of 2-3 hours toward the evening. Nevertheless, adaptability in climbing schedule is fundamental as individuals move at their pace and react personally to the worries of climbing. We guarantee the proportion of climbers and Sherpa guides concentrating on altitude safety measures so that every individual climber can advance at their own particular rate.

Regularly we will set three high camps before achieving the summit. We will put on Camp I at the elevation of 5,450m. At that point Camp II at a rise of 6,000m and the Camp 3 at the stature of 6,350m. Furthermore, our Sherpas aides will help us set up a scope of camps for well acclimatization and we attempt to reach the peak of Himlung Himal on a day with fair weather conditions.

Accommodation: Camping

Day 28: Trek Back to Phu Gaun

We will return from the base camp to achieve Phu Gaun once more. We will walk up and down the stream shore passing big rocks. We will get the chance to see vivid chortens at the end of the day. Ovennight in Phu Gaun once more.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 29: Trek to Dharmasala

Avoiding Phu Gaun behind, we will head towards Dharmashala for the nightstay. We will see the bushes, white rocks, juniper, etc, which were already on our sight while going upwards. We will likewise descend to stay at Dharmasala.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 30: Trek to Koto

Again, we will be following just the same but opposite route as before. We will be seeing the likes of Manaslu and Peak 29 on the way with pine woods along the trail. Overnight at Koto.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 31: Trek to Dharapani

Traversing along the river and narrow valley, we will head downwards to reach Dharapani for overnight.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 32: Trek to Jagat

We will leave Dharapani and head onwards enjoying several waterfalls and rivers. Our trail descends along the forest to finally reach Jagat for the night.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 33: Trek to Ngadi

Today, we will continue walking downwards along the narrow trails passing across the deep stream gorge. We can get a view of Lamjung, Mt. Manaslu, Peak 29, etc. on the way. Overnight at Ngadi.

Accommodation: Guesthouse
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 34: Trek to Besisahar and back to Kathmandu

On this very last day of our trekking, we will take a short walk from Ngadi to Besisahar and then take a bus to drive all the way back to Kathmandu. After checking in the hotel, you will have whole of the day for refreshment. In the evening, we will be serving you with farewell dinner which basically includes delicious Nepali cuisine.

Accommodation: Hotel
Meal: Breakfast and Lunch

Day 35: Rest at Kathmandu & Debriefing

Today, you will be visiting the Departmnet Of Tourism for debriefing of the expedition and receive the certificate of accomplishment. 

Accommodation: Hotel
Meal: Breakfast

Day 36: Final Departure from the airport

After a nearly one and half month of adventurous and successful time, you will finally leave Nepal with full of lifelong memories. Our airport representatives will drop you off in the Tribhuvan International Airport and bid you farewell and best wishes for your future.

Meal: Breakfast

What is included?

  • All types of organizational requirements
  • All trekking and climbing paper works and permits
  • All airport and hotel transfers
  • Welcome and farewell dinner
  • Travel expenses from Kathmandu to Besisahar and back
  • Accommodation and meals during the whole of the expedition
  • Government and local taxes
  • Reference notes to plan your trip
  • An experienced English speaking climbing guide, assistant climbing guide, Sherpa porters including their salary, insurance, food, lodging and all equipments
  • A comprehensive medical kit
  • Facilities of Email and satellite phones in base camp
  • Necessary oxygen bottles
  • Written and photo internet dispatches to send your progress to your family

What is not included?


  • Nepal Visa fee(bring small denomination cash USD and two passport photographs)
  • International airfare
  • Excess baggage charges
  • Extra night accommodation apart from the schedule due to any reasons
  • Lunch and evening meals in case of early return than the scheduled itinerary
  • Travel and rescue insurance
  • Charges of Email and satellite phones
  • Charge for extra Sherpa porter (if required)
  • Personal expenses
  • Tips for climbing guide and Sherpa

There are a number of things that you need to keep in mind if you ever plan for your vacation. Because you want to make the most out of your limited time, it is truly a hectic job for you to find a trustworthy and experienced traveling companion. With Nepal Climbing, you have your problem solved already as we are one of the leading Trekking and Mountaineering organizations in Nepal and have been providing first class service in several travelling packages across the country for many years.

We prioritize your satisfaction and safety

At Nepal Climbing Adventure, our ultimate objective is to arrange the programs for you to make the most out of your valuable time. We value your satisfaction, adventure, amusement and safety. Regardless of whether you are searching for stunning perspectives along the trekking trails in Himalayan mountain range or widely acclaimed, heavenly attractions with developed societies, our exposure and experience in travel business will help you ensure your requirements are met.

We have professional staffs and service

We trust that extraordinary staff lead awesome administration. That is the reason we are collaborated with experienced and eager individuals. We possess authorized and government certified guides who are very much furnished with broad learning of Nepali communities and traditions. They additionally have familiar English speaking abilities and hierarchical capacities to encourage all types trekking groups.

Responsible Tourism and social values

We are endeavoring to lessen the effect of tourism by guaranteeing our staff are very much aware of ecological issues. We are doing our best to create less waste as could be expected under the circumstances and make a point to reclaim non-compostable wastes. We outline our itineraries and work in the field guided by the standards of ecotourism and reasonable tourism. Moreover, all our staff have been given ecological preparing and are extremely aware to the eco-system we enter. Additionally, we are adhering to sustainable assets of energy. Our guides will share you the social values, culture and religious harmony for better understanding the groups you visit.

Customizable Service

Our promise is to provide you with the travelling packages customizable according to your demand fulfilling your budget criteria. So, we can facilitate a minimum of 2 individuals with a personalized service at a reasonable cost.

It was great experience.

“It was great expirence. Everything was up to the mark. Excellent management by Nepal Climbing Adventure and their team.”


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Bank Details:

Account Holder's Name:  Nepal Climbing Adventure Pvt. Ltd. 

Bank Name: Himalayan Bank Ltd.

Account Number: 01907449340018

Account Type: USD

Address: Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal


For more detail contact us:

Krishna Subedi (Chris Chhetri): +977 9851076791  (24/7, Call/Viber/Watsapp)

We recommend our guests have a valid insurance policy before undertaking an adventure in Nepal Himalaya. During treks and expeditions, the insurance should cover for expenses such as air ambulance, helicopter rescue, and medical care. As an adventure operator, we (NCA), are not permitted to arrange or sell insurance packages here in Nepal as per the Government of Nepal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Where is Himlung Himal located? How hard is himlung himal?

Himlung Himal is considered a moderately challenging peak in the Nepal Himalayas, suitable for climbers with prior high-altitude experience. It involves technical climbing sections and requires good physical fitness and acclimatization due to its altitude of over 7,000 meters.


2. How difficult is it to climb Himlung Himal?

Climbing Himlung Himal, standing at 7126 meters, demands significant physical and mental stamina but doesn't necessarily require advanced technical climbing skills.


3. How hard is himlung himal?

Himlung Himal is considered a challenging climb, primarily due to its high altitude and technical sections. The ascent requires good mountaineering skills and physical fitness. However, it's less technical compared to some of the other peaks in the region, making it accessible for experienced climbers.


4. What makes Himlung a popular climbing destination?

It offers a challenging yet accessible peak climbing experience with stunning views of the Annapurna and Manaslu ranges, cultural encounters in remote villages, and the opportunity to explore a less frequented area of the Nepal Himalayas.


5. Is prior mountaineering experience necessary to climb this Himal?

While prior trekking and high-altitude experience are beneficial, Himlung is considered suitable for climbers with basic mountaineering skills and a good level of physical fitness.


6. What are the accommodations facilities during this expedition?

Accommodations range from basic teahouses in lower altitudes to tented camps at higher elevations. Expeditions typically include a support team of guides, porters, and cooks to assist climbers throughout the journey.


7. Are there any safety considerations for climbing Himlung Himal?

Safety precautions include acclimatization to prevent altitude sickness, adequate Himlung Climbing Gear for extreme weather conditions, and experienced guides to navigate the terrain safely.


8. What are the physical fitness requirements for climbing Himlung?

Climbing Himlung Himal demands a high level of physical fitness due to the altitude and long trekking days. Trekkers should be prepared for strenuous hikes and acclimatization periods.

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Chris Chhetri

Travel Expert

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